Saturday, September 19, 2009

Image Resizing Tutorial

Here is an assignment I had to do for Graphic Interface Design--a tutorial on resizing images in HTML. Check it out if you're interested at all.

Brand ID

So, I've decided to throw some of my Brand Identity stuff up here. We've worked on a few projects: Zoo Animal, My initials, and some band name.

Zoo Animal:

I ended up chucking these sketches... I really liked how they looked when I drew just half the face but it looked awful when I put them together. I thought it looked more like a dog or a bear--see for yourself.

Then I went to this:

My intitials:
I lost my original sketches but here are the ideas I threw around after my sketches. I've put a asterisk next to the ones I like.

Here the final image I turned in:

Band Name:
So this logo has a bit of a funny story. I was racking my somewhat hollow brain with what font/fonts I wanted to use for this but everything I tried seemed too obvious or too lame. For those of you that don't know me, Chucks is my band. I think I was going crazy because this was something too close to home to me and I couldn't narrow down my ideas for the logo. Well, I was bored at work and the only programs I have access to are Word, Excel, and paint. So, I started messing around in Excel and voila! I had my logo. Then I took it into MS Paint to touch it up a bit--yes, you heard me right--Paint. I know it sounds crazy but for what I have to do to get it right, I use Paint. Then into Illustrator to get my vector. The rest is history. Here is the logo.

This is after I've touched it up in Paint:

Here's after Illustrator:

As Promised...

So, here's a start. I'm a little late in doing this... but here are my initial sketches for the website I'm working on for Graphic Interface Design and then products that followed. This originally started as a website for some fake venue but then turned into a website for a local music venue. Fortunately, they nothing about this. Mwah ha ha! (evil laugh) Moving along...

Step 1: My first sketches

Step 2: Bigger sketches

Step 3: Bring on the photoshop! Here are my 3 variations of the website

My favorites were 1 & 3. I've since made some variations to combine elements from the two but that will have to wait for another blog.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

By the Wayside

So, we're supposed to keep this blog up to date with the projects we're doing... as you can see, nothing has been done. In fact, I forgot that I even had a blog! So, my goal today is to post some stuff from all three of my studio classes... However, I have some other stuff I need to do first. Don't you worry my sweet blog, I'll come back for you.
